Welcome to Summit Kids
First time at Summit Church? Please plan on arriving 10-15 minutes prior to the start of service. When you arrive, enter through our Family Entrance, look for the green banners in the parking lot. One of our Summit Kids volunteers will get you registered and answer any questions you may have. After you are registered, you and your child will be given matching name tags that are unique to your family, which will have a corresponding number. You will need your portion of the tag to pick up your child after the service. If your child needs you during the service, we will contact you by texting the mobile number you provided at registration.
Will my child be safe?
Your child’s safety is one of our top priorities! All of our volunteers undergo background and reference checks as well as Safe Gatherings training. Our check-in system ensures that only authorized adults can pick up a child.
Does my child need to bring anything?
If your child is still in diapers, please provide a diaper bag with diapers, wipes, and anything else your child may need during the service.
Can I stay with my child during service?
In order to maintain the safety and integrity of our ministry, our policy is to allow only back-ground checked adults to stay in the Summit Kids area once the service has started. If you are needed at any time during the service, we will contact you via the mobile number provided at check-in.
Does Summit Kids need volunteers?
YES! Summit Kids is growing, and we are always looking for volunteers to join our team. If you are 12 years old (6th grade) or older, we have volunteer opportunities available for you! Please fill out the volunteer application below and contact Ashleigh Ewing ([email protected]) if you have any questions.
Can my child attend if sick?
Please do not bring your child to Summit Kids if they have any of the following symptoms:
- fever of 100 degrees or higher in the past 24 hours
- runny nose
- diarrhea or vomiting – no matter the cause
- excessive coughing and/or common cold
- sore throat
- unexplained rash or skin infection
- pink eye or eye infection
- lice
- any other communicable disease
**All children must be symptom free, without medication, for the past 24 hours.