“Love in Action can change the world.” Response, July/August 2024, page 42. Have you read Response Magazine this year or last year? Did you know that United Methodist Deaconesses and Home Missioners began a Pilgrimage for Peace in Gaza during Lent this year? Read about it in the July/August 2024 issue of Response.
You can subscribe to Response by going to uwfaith.org. In the left column under “Resources” find “response magazine.” That will take you to a place to subscribe. You can get a print or digital subscription or single copies for reasonable prices. Response is the magazine of women in mission. It has articles about what other groups in United Women in Faith are doing, as well as articles about the national and international mission work of the National United Women in Faith.
Rachel Circle will hold a potluck meal on July 10, 2024 at 12:00 noon in the La Plata Room, which is the room at the back of the welcome area as you enter the church. This meal is to honor Uta Carleno, who is moving back to Germany. Margaret Wilhite will be hostess. Those attending should bring a dish of food to contribute to the meal. The food may be brought to the kitchen.
Crafty Ladies continue to meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:00. For information about making items for the bazaar, or about meeting with Crafty Ladies, call Mary Jane at 970-247-5348.