Click Here to watch Pastor Jeff's Christmas Morning Devotion!
Sermon Series
- “Journey from Bethlehem to Jerusalem: Following Jesus from Birth to Resurrection
- 2 Ma$ters
- 20/20 Vision - Leaning Into a New Year With Hope
- 70x7 - The Road to Forgiveness
- Angels - Messengers of Hope
- Antidotes For An Out Of Control Life
- Are You Restless?
- Beautiful and Beloved - Enneagram and Understanding
- Being Jesus Christ to the World
- BLESS - Loving Others and Changing the World
- Building Bridges over Troubled Waters
- Building Community - Neighboring Well
- Christian Denominations
- Christianity and World Religions
- Christianity and World Religions (2)
- Christmas and Joy
- Christmas Songs for the Journey Home
- Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph
- Church Status: It's Complicated
- Confessions of a Struggling Parent
- Connect Transform Engage
- Connect with...The Real Social Network
- Courageous Hope
- Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
- Enough is Enough
- Epic Tales
- Faith for Tough Times: The Message of the Prophet Jeremiah
- Family Weekend
- Finding Faith in a World of Doubt
- Forgiveness
- FUMC Durango Goes to the Movies!
- FUMC Goes to the Movies
- Gloria-For This We Were Created
- Going Fishing-The Fishing Stories of Jesus
- Good Good News
- Gospel According to Dogs
- Grateful Hearts
- Guest Speakers - No Sermon Series
- Guest Speakers (don't use)
- Half Truths
- How Will You Measure Your Life
- I Will Give You Rest
- Identity Theft
- Incarnation
- Insights For Living From The Life Of David
- Intersections of Faith and Life
- Investing For Life
- Is This The End
- It's Ok to Ask
- James: Practical Faith
- Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
- Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew - Mountains and the King
- Jesus Kindness and the Kingdom of God
- Jesus-Myth Messiah Madman
- Jesus' Sermon on the Mount
- John Wesley Covenant Service (Not in a Series)
- John: The Gospel of Light and Life
- Journey Through the New Testament
- Journey Through the Old Testament
- Lessons from Moses the Prince of Egypt
- Lighting the Way
- Living and Loving Generously
- Love Marriage and Sex
- Love Out Loud
- Marks of Discipleship
- Mission: Possible
- Moses
- Moses The Reluctant Prophet
- Movements of Grace-Recovering The Heart of Our Wesleyan Tradition
- Not A Fan
- Ordinary Saints
- Peace by Piece
- PG - Parental Guidance
- Radical Women of the Bible
- Reconstruct - Building on Solid Ground in an Unstable World
- Relationships.
- Restoration and Renewal: Life and Pandemic
- Restoring Hope - God of Second Chances
- SafeChurch - RiskyFaith
- Seeing Gray-Faith Morality and Politics
- Seeking Christ in Christmas
- Seven Simple Truths about LIFE
- Simply Irresistible
- Spiritual Olympics
- Spring Cleaning
- Stand Alone Sermon Topic
- Stories That Changed The World
- Success
- Success and The Good Life
- Summer Stories with Jesus
- Surviving the Grief and Trauma of Suicide
- The Art of Salvation
- The Bible and the Afterlife
- The Daniel Plan
- The First Carols of Christmas
- The Freedom to Flourish
- The Gospel in Film
- The Gospel in Film - 2019
- The Gospel of Nobodies
- The Gospel on Broadway
- The Holy Spirit
- The Journey to Bethlehem
- The Letters of Paul
- The Lies We Tell Ourselves and the Truth God Speaks
- The Life God Blesses
- The Line Between Good and Evil
- The Lord's Prayer
- The Making of a Superhero
- The Many Faces of David
- The Power of Money
- The Power of the Holy Spirit
- The Power of Words
- The Promise of Christmas
- The Real Christmas Story
- The Reel Christmas
- The Reel Christmas Story
- The Seven Deadly Sins
- The Way of Jesus
- The Way-Following in the Footsteps of Jesus
- Those Terrible Fires!
- Thoughtful Faith in Challenging Times
- Three Simple Rules
- Timothy Letters to a Young Man
- Transformed by Truth
- Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope
- Values and Yearnings - The Keys to Life
- Walking Toward Christmas
- What Christians Believe and Why
- What is Your God Like?
- What the Tech?
- What Would Jesus Say?
- Where Science and Religion Meet
- Where Was God When
- Why?
- Wrestling With God
- Your Money and Your Life