Operation Christmas Child is nondenominational organization under the umbrella of Samaritan’s Purse who’s mission is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangle way to children in need around the world. Each box packed full of quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items becomes a tangible expression of God’s immense love for the child. For many, it is their first gift ever. Shoebox gifts provide an opportunity for the local church ministry partners to present the Gospel to boys and girls in a clear and child-friendly way. Children are then invited to join The Greatest Journey, a discipleship program, to learn about Jesus, then share their faith with family and friends.

How to pack a shoebox:
1. Start with an average-sized cardboard or plastic shoebox. Free red and green cardboard shoeboxes are available for you to take starting Nov 2. Please take as many as you would like to fill. Remember, our goal is to fill 800 boxes! If you are ready to get started now, or are not at Summit Church on the weekends, stop in the church office where supplies are available for you there.
2. Choose to pack for a girl or boy, and the age range – 2-4 years, 5-9 years, or 10-14 years. Fill out a label and fix it to your box.
3. Start with a medium to large “wow” item. Then fill your box with with other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies. (A list of gift suggestions is provided in the box.) Also include a personal note and/or a photo for the child. ***See below for items NOT to pack.
4. Most importantly, pray for the child(ren) who will receive your box(s)!
5. A donation of $10/box is recommended to cover shipping and other ministry costs. You can give online by scanning the QR code on your label or mail a check in the postage-paid envelope available in the brochure in your box. If you use the online option, you can also follow your box and discover the destination of your gift.
6. Return all packed shoeboxes to Summit Church by Nov 23/24. Boxes will be prayed over during all church services that weekend.
*Absolute final deadline to return your boxes is Monday Nov 25 by 3:00 pm at the church garage.*

Summit Church will officially kick-off the season on Nov 2/3. Volunteers will be available before and after services with information and free shoeboxes for everyone. Stop and see us in the La Plata Room or the Sending Grounds Coffee Shop!

Can’t build a physical shoebox? No problem! Use the following link to Build a Shoebox Online:
These boxes go to hard-to-reach places or sensitive countries, areas that are resistant to the Gospel for cultural or religious reasons.

***What not to pack: Candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; scary or war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate, food, seeds, fruit rolls or fruit snacks, drink mixes; liquids and lotions; medications and vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes and glass containers; aerosol cans.

For more information, please contact:
Alana Ostrander at seanostrander57@gmail.com or (970) 382-1501, or
Erin Hamlin at lance00erin@aol.com or (970) 946-1096