For several years, the church has used Simple Church as its database provider in maintaining member information, hosting the calendar of events coming up, and the processor for online giving. Later this summer we will be switching to a new provider called Planning Center Online (PCO). We have been using PCO for several years for organizing the worship services resource scheduling, but that has been it so far. Once we make the changeover, all of our data will be on PCO. A good bit of the data will be moved over to PCO from Simple Church automatically, however, we will have to do some manual data entry for the giving component as that information is obviously security protected and not able to just switch over. For those of you who giving recurring offerings from weekly to annually, you will hear from the church office on that. This is only for folks who signed up to have your tithe automatically charged to your credit or debit card or deducted from your bank account. Even if you give a gift regularly, if you aren’t signed up for automatic contributions, you should be able to just enter your information into the new database. Whichever one describes you, the office will help you with that process. As always, something like this changeover inevitably comes with some glitches, etc, so we are here to help you and answer any questions.