Caring Ministries

Do You Need Care?

What are Caring Ministries?

At Summit, caring for our congregants and the Durango community is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that supporting one another in times of need fosters a strong, compassionate community where everyone feels valued and loved. If you or someone you know is in need, we encourage you to fill out the form below. Your request will allow us to extend our help and ensure that no one faces their challenges alone. 

Director of Caring Ministries Julia Griffith (970) 247-4213 x107

Under the direction of our Director of Caring Ministries and a team of Caring Ministry leaders, volunteers offer spiritual care and support for individual needs on behalf of the whole congregation. Since it would be physically impossible for our pastors to meet all the needs in our large congregation, we follow the Biblical model of the early church by assigning tasks to those who are most gifted in that area. Our volunteers select the area that they feel is the best fit, and we provide training as needed.

We rely on members of the congregation to let us know about any needs. Contact Julia Griffith or contact the church office.
For more information, to discuss volunteering with one of these ministries, or to request receiving the services of one of these ministries, contact Julia.

Director of Caring Ministries Julia Griffith: (970) 247-4213 x107
Front Office: (970) 247-4213

Stephen Ministry

People often ask, “What exactly is a Stephen Minister?” One way to put it is that Stephen Ministers are the After People.

Stephen Ministers are there:
…after the phone call you hoped you’d never get.
…after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you.
…after the relationship falls apart and the bottom falls out of your life.
…after the doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.”
…after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.”
…after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away—and the house suddenly seems empty.
…after the gavel comes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away.
…after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible.
…after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck.
…after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out

Stephen Ministers are the After People. They are ready to come alongside you—or your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives—and provide comfort and support for as long after as needed. We’re proud to have many active Stephen Ministers at Summit Church ready to serve, regardless of your religious background. If you’d like to learn more about Stephen Ministry, contact Julia Griffith, Director of Caring Ministries, at or (970) 247-4213.

stephen ministry coffee

Our Ministries

Card Ministry

Notes of encouragement, comfort, and hope are mailed out during difficult times; such as illness or surgery, loneliness, or bereavement.

Head & Neck Cancer Survivors Group

Group of survivors that come together to support one another.

Hospital Visitation

Our trained volunteers visit identified members of the congregation who are in the hospital, offering words of encouragement, prayer, and comfort as needed. Anointing and communion may be requested. Pre-surgery prayer may be requested.

Volunteer here.

Meals Ministry

A group of volunteers make meals to offer an individual or family following surgery, a serious illness, death or birth of a baby, etc.

 Volunteer here.

Worship Services at Care Facilities

Volunteers help with monthly worship services for residence of Cottonwood and Sunshine Gardens to support the spiritual needs of individuals who are not able to get out for regular church services.

Caregiver Support Group

The Caregiver Support Group was born out of our Parkinsons Support Group, but it is for anyone who is the caregiver of someone- regardless of what their condition is.  This group helps encourage and support each other as they are pouring out so much at home caregiving.

Prayer Team

As the church receives requests for prayer, they are forwarded confidentially to the members of the prayer team, who then lift up each request by praying at home. The team also prays for every member of the congregation on a rotating schedule.

Volunteer here.

Prayer Quilts

Quilts are made, hung, and prayed over by congregation as knots are tied, and given to individuals struggling with a serious illness or condition.

Parkinson’s Support Group

This group meets once a month to offer support to one another and often includes an educational resource available in the area about Parkinson’s Disease.

Home-Bound Elder Visits

Volunteers provide in-home support for individuals confined to their home. Prayer, scripture reading, and communion may all be requested.

Volunteer here.

Journey through Grief Books

Following a death, a series of books are mailed to a surviving loved one to encourage healing and offer support during this time.

Silver Link (Elder Visitation in Care Facilities)

Our trained volunteers offer social visits or spiritual care at Four Corners, Sunshine Gardens, and Cottonwood.

Volunteer here.

Grief Groups and Resources


Grief Groups

Hospice of Mercy will be offering an 8-week grief support group April 6–May 25 on Wednesday afternoons 3 PM–5 PM. The group is available, free of charge, to adults ages 18 and over, who are at least 2 months out from the death of their loved one. If interested, please contact Sara Barnes, 970-764-3532, no later than April 4.

The Grief Center of Southwest Colorado is currently taking names for a child-loss group, a spouse loss group, and a teen grief group. The groups they currently have are:

  1. Survivors of suicide loss
  2. Loss to substance-related death
  3. Parents of young children who have lost their partners.
  4. Childrens’ grief groups


If you are interested in any of the groups at The Grief Center of Southwest Colorado, please ​call 970-764-7142 or email

For help beyond these resources please contact the Summit Church Director of Caring Ministries, Julia Griffith, by email or by phone (970) 247-4213 x107

Director of Caring Ministries

Julia Griffith joined our staff as the Director of Caring Ministries in July 2021. Julia has been deeply involved in church leadership and church life for the past fifteen years. Church has always been a second home to Julia, and the parishioners a second family. In fact, Julia loves church so much that she married a Methodist pastor!

Julia and her family moved to Durango from Birmingham, AL in June of 2020. She loves spending time with her husband Wade and their two boys, Wade (11) and Haines (10). In her spare time Julia enjoys watching movies, listening to funny podcasts, chatting with her sister, and spending time with friends. She looks forward to being a part of this church family where we can work together to love God and serve our community.