The numbers are in! God continues to use Operation Christmas Child as an avenue to reach children and their families around the world with Good News and Great Joy!

Summit Church:
697 physical boxes + 164 online boxes, thanks to a generous donation from High Noon Rotary!
Grand total: 861 Gospel Opportunities – a massive God-sized goal met!
2,699 shoeboxes
4 Corners Area:
9,177 shoeboxes
*Did you “Follow Your Box”? Our region’s shoeboxes were sent from the Denver precessing center to 4 sensitive nations, Mexico, and Benin.
10,574,805 shoeboxes
11,927,439 shoeboxes
Since 1993, over 232 million shoeboxes have been packed and distributed to >170 countries and territories!

Once children receive a shoebox, they are invited to attend The Greatest Journey, a 12 session discipleship class that teaches them how to follow Jesus (similar to what the Summit Congregation is currently studying) and share the Good News with others. As they do this, their families and communities are transformed, and churches are started.

For more information, click this link for a 2024 Special Report:

Thank you for your support of this ministry by packing shoeboxes, volunteering your time at Summit Church and in the garage during collection week, and by praying for this ministry!

It is now time to start planning for the 2025 Operation Christmas Child Season!
Please contact Sean and Alana Ostrander ( or Erin Hamlin (970-946-1096/ for more details.